Who I Am
I am Kevin, a creative jack of all trades. Born in Amsterdam, I spend the first 17 years of my life living in Oud-West. Afterwards I moved to Oss, Tilburg, Nijmegen and back to Oss. My original background is in IT/Networking, which I quickly grew tired off. Since 2019 I’ve been active as staff at Abunai!, a Dutch non-profit anime convention with ~9500 unique visitors. Here I am the lead graphic designer, which mostly involves desktop publishing, planning, budgeting, and working with talented artists. Whether it’s wristbands, posters or stage banners, I likely had something to do with it. Aside from graphics design I also help out with various tasks, including building and maintaining the front-end of the website.
For most my life, I’ve found myself jumping between hobbies and circling back to the ones I enjoy the most. 3D printing/modeling, writing, model building, photography, music making and editing are just a few examples. In the past I’ve also been active as a writer and admin for the “Oncyclopedia” (satirical Dutch wiki), webmaster for “Pulp Fortress” (Team Fortress 2 clan), and led the Dutch branch of an international cosplay board. I also enjoy gardening, hiking, whisky and monster movies.
I use this website mostly to release, document and share my creative outings. I don’t follow an upload schedule and simply publish whatever I find worth publishing. If you are looking to get in contact with me, feel free to check my Linktree. Twitter and Discord are likely your best option as I am rarely active on other social platforms.